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Spark Plug Socket Size for FJ Cruiser: Complete Guide

    Spark Plug Socket Size for FJ Cruiser: A Comprehensive Guide


    If you own a Toyota FJ Cruiser and are planning to change the spark plugs yourself, it’s essential to know the correct spark plug socket size. Using the right socket size ensures a secure fit and prevents any damage to the spark plugs during installation or removal. In this article, we will provide you with the necessary information to determine the spark plug socket size for your FJ Cruiser.

    Identifying the Correct Spark Plug Socket Size

    To determine the spark plug socket size for your FJ Cruiser, you can follow these simple steps:

    1. Consult the Owner’s Manual: The first step is to refer to your FJ Cruiser’s owner’s manual. The manual usually contains detailed information about the vehicle’s specifications, including the recommended spark plug socket size.
    2. Check the Existing Spark Plug Socket: If you have access to the existing spark plug socket, you can check its size. The socket size is usually imprinted on the side or engraved on the top. It is typically measured in millimeters (mm).
    3. Contact a Toyota Dealer: If you are unable to find the information in the owner’s manual or on the existing socket, you can contact a Toyota dealer. They will be able to provide you with the correct spark plug socket size for your FJ Cruiser.

    Spark Plug Socket Size Chart

    To make it easier for you, here is a handy chart that lists the spark plug socket size for different FJ Cruiser models:

    FJ Cruiser Model Spark Plug Socket Size (mm)
    FJ Cruiser 2007-2009 14mm
    FJ Cruiser 2010-2014 16mm
    FJ Cruiser 2015-2017 16mm

    Using the Correct Socket Size

    Once you have determined the spark plug socket size for your FJ Cruiser, follow these steps to safely change the spark plugs:

    1. Gather the Tools: Besides the spark plug socket, you will also need a ratchet wrench, an extension bar, and a spark plug gap tool.
    2. Prepare the Vehicle: Make sure the engine is cool before starting. Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery to prevent any electrical mishaps.
    3. Locate the Spark Plugs: The spark plugs are usually located on the top of the engine, connected to thick wires. You may need to remove any engine covers or components obstructing access to the spark plugs.
    4. Remove the Spark Plug Wires: Carefully disconnect the spark plug wires from the spark plugs. Remember the order in which they were connected to ensure correct reinstallation.
    5. Remove the Old Spark Plugs: Insert the spark plug socket onto the spark plug and use the ratchet wrench with the extension bar to loosen and remove the old spark plug.
    6. Inspect and Gap the New Spark Plugs: Before installing the new spark plugs, inspect them for any damage. Use the spark plug gap tool to ensure the gap between the electrodes matches the manufacturer’s specifications.
    7. Install the New Spark Plugs: Carefully insert the new spark plugs into the engine cylinder and hand-tighten them. Then, use the spark plug socket and ratchet wrench to tighten them securely.
    8. Reconnect the Spark Plug Wires: Attach the spark plug wires to the corresponding spark plugs, following the correct order.
    9. Reconnect the Battery: Finally, reconnect the negative terminal of the battery.


    Knowing the correct spark plug socket size for your FJ Cruiser is crucial for a successful spark plug replacement. By following the steps outlined in this guide and referring to the spark plug socket size chart, you can confidently change the spark plugs in your FJ Cruiser and ensure optimal engine performance. Remember to always consult your owner’s manual or a Toyota dealer if you have any doubts or questions. Happy wrenching!